
Game Concept VS Final game


It falls under the rogue-lite genre because there will be permanent progress gained each time you attempt a run, you will not lose everything every time which is why its a rogue-lite not a rogue-like

This is true of my game.

It also falls under the bullet-hell genre as most enemies will shoot some sort of projectile creating chaos, projectiles everywhere and a reliance on invulnerable dodge rolls to survive.”

Also true of my game.

Unique Aspect: 

“The most unique aspect of this game will be art style, I am looking to take some sort of cutesy farming art pack and turning that into this rogue-lite, this should be  from the traditional dark and gritty dungeons and monsters seen in most rogue-lites. And since I am using a farming pack and will have crop-based enemies I will incorporate a farming or cooking system as the upgrade system, a bit like Cult of the Lamb. “

This is true of my game, the art style is cute thanks to the art pack i found, and i implemented a cooking system as an upgrade system.


“Collect the plants to cook them and upgrade your power. The game will start in your home area, this place has a cooking pot and a little farm. You return here when you die and you use the crops you have collected and make upgrades out of them, with different combinations of crops create different upgrades. Some of these basic upgrades include stuff like increased attack speed, increased walk speed, more health etc.” 

This is exactly how my game works, down to the basic upgrades i listed!

“Discovering recipes for unique upgrades will provide more interesting upgrades like unlocking the blanks system (a one time ability to clear all projectiles on screen), a double dash, charged attacks etc.”

This is the only major deviation from my concept document. I did try to add recipes that you found during combat instead of having them all just in the upgrade menu like they are now, but i couldn't figure out the best way to have the player find them that wasn't tedious or redundant. Because i couldn't find a good balance i opted to not have the player find recipes. The unique upgrade ideas double dash and charge attack also weren't added simply because i didn't have time, there is a full page of simpler upgrades but nothing that interesting yet unfortunately. Blanks did make it though!

Feedback from Testing Sessions

The feedback i received from the testing sessions was discussed in great detail in last weeks Devlog so feel free to check that out if you want all the detail on what my findings were and how i planned to address it.

But to summarise a large portion of the feedback was that people didn’t understand core systems such as how the enemies' attacks work, what the blanks do, how to use the cooking UI and how the dash works. To solve all this my solution was a tutorial. So i added a decently lengthy tutorial that explains all the core systems of the game and help menus in a couple places to remind the player of the controls and a few core mechanics. There were also some balance concerns that led to the nerfing of broccoli's projectile count which i think worked pretty well.

Asset List

All the level art and level decorations in this game are from this art pack. The player character is also from this pack. The players watering can weapon is from this pack. The items the enemies drop are also from this pack.

All the UI is from this UI art pack:

All the enemies are from this art pack:

Main Menu music: 

calm_happy_rpgTownBackground.mp3 by SciCodeDev -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Menu Button Clicks: 

UI Button Click 4 by Zapsplat -- 

Cooking Success Chimes: 

Success Jingle by JustInvoke -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Cooking Fail Sound: 

Wrong by Raclure -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Cooking Pot Clear Sound: 

Cancel/miss chime by Raclure -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Font used everywhere:

Procedural Generator used for levels:

ChatGPT was not used for this assignment.

User Guide is a separate Devlog